Your Library Card

Your first library card is free! With an adult library card, a patron can check out up to 10 books at one time from any of our five libraries. With a children's card, a patron can check out up to 5 books at one time.
Signing Up Online
Complete the form below to sign-up for a library card online. The first time you use your card in the library, you will be asked for identification before borrowing physical materials. This card will allow you to borrow ebooks and e-audiobooks from WVReads.
You can also use this form to update your current library card information.
Signing Up In-Person
To sign up in person, go to your closest library location and bring a photo ID with a current address, OR two of the following:
• Piece of recently cancelled mail received by patron at their current address
• Driver’s license
• Social security card
• Birth certificate
• Military ID
• Passport
• Check book with current address
• Voter registration card with current address
For more detailed information about library cards, read our Library Card Policy here.
Loan Periods
All library materials may be renewed two times if another patron has not placed a reserve on them.
Items may be renewed in person, by phone, or by email.
Materials that are overdue will accrue fines of .05 cents per day, with a maximum fee of $2.00.
Lost or Damaged & Replacement Materials
Patrons are responsible and accountable for cost, fees, and fines for all library materials checked out on their library card. Parents/Legal guardians are responsible for library materials checked out by children.
The replacement fee for an item is determined by the current cost of that particular item.
DVDs check out for five days. Other circulating materials check out for two weeks—expectation for reference materials.