Hillsboro Public Library , 54 3rd St, Hillsboro, WV 24946, USA
Show your Valentine you care by creating a Victorian puzzle purse for them! The Hillsboro library will offer all supplies and instructions so you can create your own special gift.
Green Bank Public Library , 5683 Potomac Highlands Trail, Green Bank, WV 24944, USA
Calling all kiddos ages 1-5 who want to play games with friends, create art, and hear some fun stories! Each Wednesday at the Green bank Budding Book Worms we offer this and more. We will not meet if schools are not in session.
Durbin Community Library , 4715 Staunton Parkersburg Turnpike, Durbin, WV 26264, USA
Durbin Library is the place to be on Fridays! Each week we explore a different theme via stories and crafts. And once a month our friends form Pocahontas County Parks & Rec bring their own fun!