Our Policies
Loan Rules Policy
The library makes the following types of materials available for lending for the stated length of time ... more
Overdue Materials Policy
Patrons with overdue materials will receive a first reminder at two weeks, a second reminder at four weeks, and a third reminder ... more
Safe Child Policy
The safety of children left alone in the library is a serious concern for library staff. Staff members have many responsibilities and duties to perform in order to serve all our patrons. They cannot act as surrogate parents or caregivers to children left alone ... more
Internet Use Policy
The Internet enables our libraries to provide information beyond the collections contained within our walls. However, PCL-VIC has no control over the information available via the Internet ... more
Patron Behavior Policy
The PCL-VIC Board of Trustees sets standards of acceptable behavior on its library premises to ensure an atmosphere that encourages the use and enjoyment of library resources and services, promotes the safety of the general public and ... more
Severe Weather Policy
The branches of the PCL-VIC rarely close for severe weather in accordance with our commitment to public service. However, the safety of employees and the public ... more
Meeting Room Policy
The PCL-VIC shall be open for use by groups and organizations in an effort to help meet the needs of our various communities. The libraries will strive ... more
Exhibit and Display Policy
The PCL-VIC, in keeping with its mission to provide cultural, educational and recreational materials: ... more
Holiday Policy
The PCL-VIC recognizes 10 days in the calendar year when the library will be closed. These holidays are as follows: ... more
Patron Objection to Material Policy
The PCL-VIC acquires materials for public use that encompass a wide spectrum of expression. PCL-VIC acknowledges that to serve a diverse population, some materials may have content ... more
Gift Policy
The PCL-VIC accepts donations of books and other materials. The PCL-VIC retains the ... more
Smoking and Drug Use Policy
The PCL-VIC, in order to provide a healthy environment for our staff and our patrons, will now be a smoke-free environment ... more